Friday 23rd April was ‘Back to School Day’ for Michael Fabricant. In the
morning he opened the BUDS All Day Childcare Centre at Willows Primary
School and toured the School and BUDS. Duncan Birds, headteacher, said:
"We were delighted to welcome Michael Fabricant to officially open Buds All
Day Childcare this morning. It was a lovely occasion with staff and
children enjoying the glorious sunshine in the nursery playground."
Michael Fabricant commented: "It was a pleasure to meet parents teachers
and children at Willows and learns about Buds which offers high quality
childcare to 3 and 4 year old children all year round. It also offers pre
and after school and school holiday care for children aged 3 to 8 and so
provides a valuable resource to working parents in north Lichfield." Buds
is OfSTED registered and is managed by the governors of Willows Primary
School, a Beacon School providing excellence for all.
In the afternoon, after attending the St George’s Day Court at The Guildhall
in Lichfield at lunchtime, Michael then visited Chadsmead Primary School
where he answered a stream of questions about his life as an MP from Year 5
pupils. "They asked a series of very interesting and probing questions
about my life as an MP and a number of the 9 and 10 year olds struck me as
being budding Jeremy Paxmans. Questions included whether I hate Tony Blair.
Just for the record: I don’t. It ain’t personal!" Michael met teachers
and was hosted by headteacher, Lester Davies.

Photograph shows Michael opening Buds with Willows Deputy headteacher and Head of Buds, NĂªst Llewellyn-Cook